Descargar Libro: Circle Of Darkness
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From the beginning of time there have been stories about the existence of other worlds. Most believed that in such a vast universe Earth could not be the only inhabited planed. Perhaps there are other species akin to our own speculating on exactly the same theory of existence? There is a book of unknown origin older than any existing manuscript know to man and because of its uniqueness is heavily guarded. It is The Ancient Troneica with protectors known as High Lords from the Temple of Tekret. We will soon discover that we are not alone. Earth is one of seven plains that exist in our dimension. Under constant threat from an unimaginable evil that possibility has now become a reality. The battle will be fought in the shadows of San Francisco where the book has been located. The Darkness wants unity, pursuing its opponents relentlessly and without mercy to fulfill the Circle. The heavy burden of succumbing to a nightmare and surviving rests on the shoulders of Jason King and Lucy White. This is a journey of discovery and terror leading them towards a destiny that could take their very souls.
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