Categoría: Lengua

libro Generaciones


Generaciones is an intermediate-level Spanish composition and conversation textbook for college and advanced high school courses, for native speakers of

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libro Spanish


Intended to be used as part of an introductory Spanish course for children aged 5-11. This work includes worksheets, designed

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libro Espana


España: Ayer y hoy offers a comprehensive and systematic study of the history of Spain and its role in shaping

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libro Vargas Llosa

Vargas Llosa

A definitive portrait of Mario Vargas Llosa traces the life of the Peruvian author, examines his major works of fiction–including

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libro Miradas


Miradas focuses on the acquisition of cultural competence and communication skills through innovative themes, culture, grammmar reviews, and writing workshops.

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libro Inglés


Atención: Demo Gratis! Este curso es una presentación muy exhaustiva y detallada de la lengua inglesa y el único curso

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libro Book Of Poems

Book Of Poems

Although the life of Federico García Lorca (1898–1936) was tragically brief, the Spanish poet and dramatist created an enduring body

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libro Vuela 2

Vuela 2

Vuela es un curso basado en las directrices del Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas. Está concebido para

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