Descargar Libro: Desarrollo De Un Modelo Para El Diseno De Sistemas De Energia Renovable Para Acueductos Comunitarios En Puerto Rico
Resumen del Libro
This report presents the research effort for developing a model for the selection, design, feasibility analysis, and economic analysis of renewable energy systems for communal aqueducts in Puerto Rico using photovoltaic panels and wind turbines with an emphasis in the needs and desires of the community to which the model will be applied. A procedure was created for the selection and design of various components of the renewable energy systems and the free computer program HOMER(TM) was used to do the feasibility and economic analysis. The model was developed and the communal aqueduct in Humatas, Moca was used as a case study to create the prototype where it was determined that a solar array with a generating capacity of 12.92kW would be the most viable solution if the average cost of energy surpasses $0.28/kW for the next 25 years for winds less than 6 meters per second.
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