Descargar Libro: Discursos De Ficcion Y Construccion De La Identidad De Genero En Television/ Fiction Speech And Construction Of Gender Identity In Television

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libro Discursos De Ficcion Y Construccion De La Identidad De Genero En Television/ Fiction Speech And Construction Of Gender Identity In Television

This volume explores and analyses the ideological contents underpinning several recent fictional television productions from the perspective of gender. Thus, the text’s objective is to observe the construction of identity from the messages fictional series propose to their viewing audiences. The book includes a theoretical framework on fictional television series illustrated by series considered relevant to the object of the study: The Golden Girls, as pioneers of a new style of television series, Sex and the City, for its transgressive capacity, The Gilmore Girls, for its non-stereotypical presentation of motherhood, Ally McBeal, for its capacity to discuss to gender mandates and Grey’s Anatomy, for the originality of its professional proposal, based on non-aggressive competitiveness between genders. The result is a text that reflects on the female characters’ narrative role, in addition to highlighting the dramatic contents of interest to gender analysis. Lastly, the author has sought to identify the boldest, most transgressive elements that can be observed from a feminist perspective in several contemporary fictional productions.

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