Descargar Libro: Educación Infantil
Resumen del Libro
So that child education is the springboard on which equality of opportunities becomes opportunity for all, a detailed analysis is needed, for this, the authors of this book indicate some basic axis on which one can design and implement, without intending to cover all the detected needs in the area of the child, proposing to achieve three objectives: offer service to the educators on themes of special relevance, provoke theoretical-practical reflection and fill the gap that has not been covered by other publications in a more specific and systematic way, trying to interrelate the contents with different fields. The book is structured in three parts where evolutionary, didactic and pedagogical-organizational aspects are not only developed vertically but they crisscross and relate among themselves. The conclusions to which each of the authors arrive, are opened up through their reflection and/or are developed for integration in others of greater importance.
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