Descargar Libro: El Debate Cultural Y La Literatura Chilena Actual
Resumen del Libro
This book presents a panoramic view of contemporary Chilean literature from an aesthetic and ideological perspective in connection with the country?s recent history. To accomplish this main objective, the volume offers a series of in-depth academic interviews with representatives of five generations of Chilean writers. These authors are: Volodia Teitelboim( b. 1916), Jorge Edwards (b. 1931), Poli Delano (b. 1936), Antonio Skarmeta (b. 1940), Jaime Collyer (b. 1955), Ramon Diaz Eterovic (b. 1956), Alberto Fuguet (b. 1964), Andrea Jeftanovic (b. 1970), Alejandra Costamagna (b. 1970), Nona Fernandez (b. 1971), and Roberto Fuentes (b. 1973). The writers presented in this work are the leaders of their literary generations and have acquired, or are acquiring, prominence in Chile and Latin America. Therefore, their novels, volumes of short stories, and essays are worthy of attention by an extensive reading community as these are the focal point of study in diverse academic centers in Latin America, the United States and Europe. In Spanish.
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