Descargar Libro: El Hombre De Las Mil Caras Y Otros Cuentos
Resumen del Libro
Eight short stories in both Spanish and English. The multicultural and cosmopolitan life experience of the author shows up in the stories presented in this book. In Aurora and The Fountain of Youth, he writes in the magical and occult literary genre that is shared by many Latin American writers, and in The Man with a Thousand Faces and Boarding School he tells two brief tales about life in his native Nicaragua in a realistic and humorous vein that would definitely appeal to both US and Latin American readers. The Front Line Interrogator is the product of the authors own military experience in Vietnam, as he shows how US Army interrogators and their Vietnamese detainees attempt to outwit each other. In The Arabic Student he makes an interesting effort to portray the life of an American-born Hispanic student who, against his will, has been assigned to a lengthy course of intensive study of one of the worlds most difficult languages and how he copes with the situation.
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