Descargar Libro: Genealogia De Imaginarios Geograficos Colombianos: Representaciones Culturales, Espacio, Estado Y Desplazamiento En El Proceso De (des)integracion Nacional (1850 2008).
Resumen del Libro
Colombia has historically been known as a fragmented country because of its poor territorial integration. This dissertation intends to transcend the traditional way in which this (dis)integration process has been studied, principally linked to geographical determinism. Based on the theories developed by Henry Lefebvre, David Harvey and Milton Santos regarding the production of space, geographical determinism is confronted in two ways: on one hand Colombian spatial problematic is inserted within a global context, which highlights that the production of space is dependent in peripheral areas, and on the other hand, the role of the symbolic field in the production of space is studied through the conformation of a genealogy of Colombian geographical imaginaries.
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