Descargar Libro: Homenatge Professor Josep M.costa (ebook) 1a Part. Trends In Electrochemistry And Corrosion At The Beginning Of The 21st Century

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libro Homenatge Professor Josep M.costa (ebook) 1a Part. Trends In Electrochemistry And Corrosion At The Beginning Of The 21st Century

Esta primera parte del libro Trends in Electrochemistry and Corrosion at the beginning of the 21st century , dedicado al Prof. Josep M. Costa en ocasión de su 70 aniversario, reúne un total de 33 artículos y revisiones originales, tanto científicas como tecnológicas, correspondientes al campo de la Electroquímica. Estos trabajos están escritos en español e inglés por unos 110 investigadores de todo el mundo, y son exponentes representativos del gran nivel alcanzado por la investigación internacional en diversas materias de gran interés en la Electroquímica de principios de este siglo XXI. Los trabajos se han agrupado en 5 capítulos generales relativos a los campos de Electroquímica Molecular, Electrodeposición, Electrodos Modificados, Descontaminación Electroquímica, y Sensores y Electroanálisis….This first part of the book Trends in Electrochemistry and Corrosion at the beginning of the 21st century , dedicated to Professor Josep M. Costa in occasion of his 70th birthday, collects 33 original papers and reviews, both scientific and technologic, corresponding to the field of Electrochemistry. These works are written in English and Spanish by about 110 researchers of all around the world, and are representative exponents of the high level reached by the international research in several topics of great interest in Electrochemistry at the beginning of the 21st Century. The works have been distributed into five general chapters related to the fields of Molecular Electrochemistry, Electrodeposition, Modified Electrodes, Electrochemical Depollution, and Sensors and Electroanalysis.

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