Descargar Libro: Homo Ludens Ludens

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libro Homo Ludens Ludens

Home Ludens Ludens is an exhibition and symposium which looks into the expressions of play in contemporary culture and examines the formations of magic circles in our digital time. Focusing on play, rather than games, the Exhibition constitutes a setting that embraces different practices and approaches by artists who address, describe or comment on todays play. Play is being reversed and reformed. It carries social and political issues and becomes a tool for critique and social change. By connecting the virtual and the real, it opens new spaces for communication and action. Its ability to approach and fuse into other disciplines gives birth to new forms of art and play. Complementing the Exhibition, the International Symposium aims to situate the framework of contemporary play, and show its multiple expressions in todays activities and functions. This catalogue also contains the re-release of the Gameworld and Playware exhibitions and covers therefore the complete trilogy about videogames and art at LABoral Centre de Arte y Creacion Industrial.

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