Descargar Libro: Los Incas, Reyes Del Perú

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libro Los Incas, Reyes Del Perú

Se presenta una vasta gama de lienzos sobre temas del imperio incaico, acompañados de estudios que se enfocan fundamentalmente en las representaciones de pintores peruanos quienes transmiten una memoria colectiva propia, reconociendo la labor de los cronistas del virreinato. Impressive anthological edition with the collaboration of 6 renowned experts that study the social and political importance of the iconography of the ruling Inca class in Peru, especially during the colonial period. The vast iconography can be divided in to 2 different origins: those pictorial works created for the European public by European editors and artists designed to satisfy the public expectations of exotic images and a second group of pictorial representations that was created by local artists reflecting in their paintings the collective memory. The studies gathered in this edition follow the iconography of the second group, analyzing and interpreting the local colonial portraits of Inca rulers, a genre that started when Diego de Mora painted first portrait of captive Inca king Atahualpa in 1532 setting off in Europe the legend of the Andean Gold and creating the most influential genre of the Andean art. Collaborating in this edition were: Natalia Majluf, who coordinated the project, along researchers Gabriela Ramos, Elena Phelps, Juan Carlos Estenssoro, Thomas Cummins and Luis Eduardo Wuffarden. This edition was dedicated as homage to eminent Bolivian archeologist and historian Teresa Gisbert –Provided by vendor.

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