Descargar Libro: Los Tres Amigos/the Three Friends
Resumen del Libro
Los Tres Amigos, primer libro de poesia mistica de Antonio Lobo , cuando se acababa el siglo XX y comenzaba el siglo XXI , epoca de profundas transformaciones y crisis a nivel mundial y el ser humano seguia preguntandose: Que somos?, Adonde vamos?, Que camino seguir?. Entonces este poeta en comunion con su ser interior ,nos brinda una filosofia que aunque puede parecer apocaliptica, esta llena de amor incondicional,de sabiduria,de paciencia,de alegria,fe,perseverancia y al vez inocencia.Haciendonos saber que a todo fin sigue un comienzo y que todo tiempo futuro tiene que ser mejor.Poemas para disfrutar y pensar,para leerlos una y otra vez de tal forma que la vida se llene de Luz y sobretodo de esa magia que se llama AMOR. The three Friends is the first book of mystic poetry by Antonio Lobo , the poems were originally written half in Spanish, half in English. At the end of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century. A time of change and crisis in the whole world and humanity was still asking :Who are we?, Where we go? ,Which path should be follow?.Then this poet in communion with his inner most being offer his philosophy,even if it sometimes sounds apocalyptic ,it is full of unconditional love, wisdom,patience,happiness ,faith,perseverance and innocence. He is teaching us that for every ending follows a beginning and that any future time must be better. These are poems to enjoy and to think about,to be read over and over again in such a way that Life becomes full of Light and specially of the magic which is called LOVE.
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