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libro Nathan Y El Gran Abusador

This second book in the Nathan series tells the story of a hyena who enjoys picking on a penguinÑa classic example of bullying. The penguin turns to Nathan for advice. Nathan tells the penguin that the worst thing he can do is to strike back saying, Òtwo wrongs never make a right.Ó Then one day, an elephant wanders into the lagoon,fills his trunk with water and playfully sprays a huge stream at Nathan. NathanÕs first reaction is to get angry. But, with the penguin watching, Nathan decides to follow his own advice and looks the elephant right in the eye and tells him what heÕs doing is wrong. The elephant is apologetic. Then, when the hyena is about to splash the penguin, he copies NathanÕs and tells the hyena not to splash him again. NathanÕs behavior demonstrates itÕs better to speak up to bullies than to strike back.

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