Descargar Libro: Pintura Latinoamericana

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libro Pintura Latinoamericana

A unique work in Latin America that coves artists and their works since the beginning of the XXth Century. This beautifully illustrated book also offers detailed information about Modern Art and Modern Figurative Art in Latin America. The main critics in the region contribute with articles about the themes and variations of Modern Painting, the Mexican School (Rivera and Frida Khalo), premodernism, Brazilian Modern Painting, the School of the Rio de la Plata (Soldi, Pettoruti, Xul Solar, etc.), Chilean Abstract Painting (Matta), and Modern Art in Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru.This is a beautifully illustrated survey of Art in Latin America. The detail and clarity of the images is incredible, allowing the reader to explore each painting thoroughly. The book includes 200 full color reproductions of the main paintings, biographies of all artists and a full index of the works and their authors. A must have.Una obra unica en America Latina, ofrece un completo panorama de la Modernidad Figurativa de la pintura en America Latina, con articulos sobre temas y variaciones de la pintura moderna, como las vertientes y variables de la pintura mexicana, el premodernismo, la pintura brasilena, la pintura y la vanguardia en el Rio de la Plata y en Chile, y la pintura moderna en Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador y Peru.Este volumen, lujosamente encuadernado en tapas duras enteladas y sobrecubierta en cartulina ilustracion plastificada, Contiene 20 ilustraciones a todo color de las obras mas importantes de la pintura moderna en America Latina, incluyendo entre muchos otros a Frida Khalo, Emilio Pettoruti, Xul Solar, Diego Rivera, Rafael Barradas, Raul Soldi, Sequeiros y otros inolvidables artistas.

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