Descargar Libro: Rehabbing Flooded Houses/reconstruccion Y Rehabilitacion De Viviendas Danadas Por Inundacion

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libro Rehabbing Flooded Houses/reconstruccion Y Rehabilitacion De Viviendas Danadas Por Inundacion

A bilingual (Spanish-English) guidebook for professional builders and contractors rehabbing flooded single-family houses. Takes you through the steps of determining whether a flooded house is safe enough to enter and preparing a flooded home for rehab, also discusses common health hazards in flooded homes. Covers the rehab activities to make a house habitable again: how to determine if and how the structure and other parts of the building have been damaged, telltale signs of unsafe structural systems, and safe inspection procedures. Discusses problems with mold and mildew and how to solve them. Looks, in detail, at the correct materials and construction techniques to use in rehabbing a house to make it more flood resistant. Illustrations.

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