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libro Staircases

Glossarium Artis is probably the most comprehensive work of its kind on the actively used terminology of art and archaeology. Including technical terms from architecture, art and crafts, the ten-volume dictionary comprises some 3,000 terms per volume, each of which is dedicated to a specific topic. The terms are sourced from English, French and German specialist literature. The individual volumes are structured systematically by subject fields, which also list specific terminology in alphabetical order and provide contextual references. Definitions are given in German, synonyms are included as well. Adequate equivalents or defining translations are supplied for German-language terms. Detailed, schematic depictions and reproductions of well-known works from art and architecture, e.g. the Spanish Steps in Rome as an example of urban steps, serve to illustrate the respective technical term. Each volume is rounded off by an international bibliography as well as indexes in English, French and German — if required by the topic, in Latin, Greek and Russian, too. As the indexes also provide translations of the individual terms, they double as foreign language dictionaries in their own right. Glossarium Artis can be used as thesaurus, foreign language dictionary and, to some extent, pictorial dictionary, too. As a subject dictionary, however, it is aimed at gathering, defining and systematically organizing relevant terminology.

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