Descargar Libro: Utopias And Nationhood In Twentieth Century Peru: Jose Maria Arguedas, Julio Duran And Augusto Tamayo

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libro Utopias And Nationhood In Twentieth Century Peru: Jose Maria Arguedas, Julio Duran And Augusto Tamayo

The twentieth century in Peru was a period of great political and social struggle. This dissertation analyzes examples of art (novel and film) that reflect the dream of a better society: multicultural, more democratic, and more connected with Perus authentic history. It focuses mainly on El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo (1971), by Jose Maria Arguedas, Anda, corre, vuela (1994), by Augusto Tamayo, and, finally, Incendiar la ciudad (2002), by Julio Duran. These works from two crucial historical moments manifest a liberating utopian impulse that aims toward a profound transformation of contemporary Peru.

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