Descargar Libro: Zonificacion Agroecologica Del Cafe En Puerto Rico Y Analisis Estructural Y De Composicicion De Especies Arboreas Presentes En El Agroecosistema Cafetero

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libro Zonificacion Agroecologica Del Cafe En Puerto Rico Y Analisis Estructural Y De Composicicion De Especies Arboreas Presentes En El Agroecosistema Cafetero

In the coffee area of Puerto Rico, the humidity deficit, biomass production and soils quality have the ideal values for coffee. These results indicate that the coffee zone is precisely located for good crop yields. In the agro-ecological zoning it is possible to detect marginal places near to the optimal zone for other agricultural activities. Inside the actual coffee area, a total of 63 tree species were found. Inga vera, Andira inermis and Citrus sp were the most important species accounting 52.49% of Index Value Importance and 64.25% of the basal area. Significant differences were not found in the biodiversity indexes but the values of similarity were higher in the altitudinal rank between 200 to 800 m.a.s.l. The biodiversity found in Puerto Rico through this study classifies Puerto Rico shaded coffee agro-system as a commercial polyculture system because the richness and equity of species indexes were lower than traditional polyculture.

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